So the interview probably didn't go as well, in retrospect, as I might have hoped. I was unfocused - having the epiphany in the middle that I didn't really WANT the job didn't help, I'm sure. Meant I was going through the motions, and that can't be good for quality-of-presentation.
Meanwhile, my current job goes on, despite a deficit of motivation on my part. More limbo, then. More nothing.
Was reading Harper's recently, an article about language and poetry, about Eluard and the way that poetry is about that which cannot be mapped. Interesting idea - striking because it may have resonances with respect to my thesis on Cervantes' Persiles and the Quijote and the way that they function as "maps" of the Spanish Golden Age social space (and of each other).
Obviously, Quijote or Persiles are, specifically, NOT poetry, but rather novels. Prose. The beginning of the "opposite" (this hyperbole is not meant literally, just literarily) of poetry. But then... the idea works only if an effort to extend the metaphor to a "poetic" text (e.g. El Cid) failed. I'm not sure it would. Then again, there's the unstated fact that the Harper's article was most definitely talking about MODERN poetry. Perhaps that's different?