There, I've said it. I haven't got much to say. So now, since I can only use each title once in this blog, I can never say it again.
It was strongly breezy today. We had a farewell lunch for Marlene, the teacher from New Zealand, who isn't being replaced since enrollments at the school are down somewhat. Danny and Diane, the school's owners, seem to be taking this decline with a certain amount of aplomb - I suspect there's some cyclical aspects to the 학원 (after-school academy) industry. Some classes have been consolidated, and I like my new schedule better, mainly because the most difficult classes (which is to say, for me, the classes with the least motivated students) are no longer at the end of the day. I like having a more fun class as my last of the day.
I'm pretty much resolved to try to find a for-pay Korean tutor and/or a Saturday class. I'm thinking that if I can get up and get motivated early enough tomorrow, I'll go into Seoul in the morning and check out this Korean language academy in the Gangnam area.