Thus read the headline running across the tv news. What do you suppose it means? "Hil-leo-ri!" Which is to say, it was announcing Senator Clinton's recent victory in New Hampshire. Of course, the slog has only begun. But the result was unexpected, apparently - Obama had been leading in the polls leading into the voting.
I'm not a Clinton supporter. Aside from my discomfort with the trend toward dynasticism that a Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton alternation would suggest, I also feel Edwards, Richardson and Obama all offer more constructive, less cautious, less "stay-the-course" platforms. And despite my libertarian tendencies - which sometimes make certain Republicans attractive to me - Ron Paul (who otherwise would be the closest match) is definitely not my sort of libertarian: he's rigidly anti-immigrant and pro-life, neither of which strikes me as remotely libertarian. So I guess "liberal" trumps "libertarian" in this election.
I have found Richardson the most appealing of the candidates - not least because he's a chilango agringado, which I can relate to, being a gringo achilangado myself. But it looks to me like he's running for Vice President, rather than President. At least, his resume combined with his poll numbers hint that that would be the most likely possibility. Maybe I'm leaning toward Mr Obama, then.