The above, transliterated, is "o-ye-seu." What do you think it means? It means "Oh Yes." It's the name of a "Chocolate Coating Cake" which I was handed at work today - something in the same phylum as twinkies or hostess cupcakes, maybe. Unusually for Konglish, there is no supporting English alphabet version, to give the Konglish away - so I had to think about it for a little bit to realize what was going on - all there is is the lovely "오예스" in a stylish, blue, cursive hangeul.
Then, the motto on the package says: "You know that sweet things make smile. We love to see you smile with your people. So just taste this cake."
Oh, yes!
I emailed a long complicated correspondence to my accountant just now. Hopefully we'll get this tax mess sorted out, until another year. At the rate I'm going, maybe I'll just keep dropping my income to the point I don't have to worry about taxes anymore.