Any time I make a major decision, whatever it's about, I tend to go through a phase directly afterward where I spend way too much time second-guessing the decision, wondering if I did the right thing, worrying about the opportunities lost by having made it, etc.
So, given I signed that contract last week, I guess I spent the weekend feeling a bit a "buyer's remorse," as I tend to think of it. I'll get over it.
On Saturday, I go to Australia, via Hong Kong, to visit with my mother for a week. Meanwhile, I have an immense amount of work to do--grading papers and all that.
I was walking to work earlier, and a former student from RingGuAPoReom, John, ran up to me yelling "teacher teacher" and gave me a warm and completely spontaneous hug. That was a good feeling, to be missed, but there was a comic sadness to it too. John was always the class clown, and there was a component of clowning in his actions, as he was with a number of other students when he did this, probably from his new academy setting. But it was heartwarming nevertheless.
-Notes for Korean--
"내 마미요"
=I do as I please
(I heard this, and have no idea if I've transcribed it accurately--I'm not able to parse it as it stands, though)
마음=spirit, idea, heart, fancy, mood, intention, inclination, feeling, interest
사실=evidence, "as a matter of fact...", so: actually
자다=sleep, so: 자, 자자=(ja, jaja)="c'mon, let's go to sleep."