Sometimes I log into Second Life and mindlessly drift around. It's a virtual universe, often mistakenly called a "game" but in fact more like a shopping mall for everyone's id--there's no plot, no objective, no theme. Just everyone's craziness touching up against one another, kind of like in real life, but without the social risk, maybe.
I've adopted a "skeleton" avatar. See picture. I go to virtual nightclubs and learn about new Industrial / Gothic music, which perhaps appeals to me because of the predominance of minor chords. My skeleton dances to the music. See picture. Sometimes I take note of music I like, and go searching for it in a torrent (the latest way to download things for free, basically). I've found a new band I like, with the stunningly fabulous name of Apoptygma Berzerk. I'm stuck on a song called "Kathy's Song." I've embedded a youtube of it, below.
A lot of gothic/industrial stuff is European--especially German and Nordic. One group I rather like is Cephalgy, and their song "Hass Mich" (I couldn't find a youtube of it). I've never quite puzzled out the relationship between Goth/House music and German culture, though I suppose the overlap is related to the Weltschmerz they share. Then again, I've got my own dukkha going, at the moment. The Koreans call it 고 (苦).
Then you hear something old, like Joy Division's "Love will tear us apart."
I'm hating work, but I really feel that quitting short of contract would leave me feeling more depressed than just putting up with it. I don't deal well with feelings of failure. The weather has turned deliciously cool and fall-like. Leaves are turning color and swimming around in clear air. The clouds are no longer hazy, but fractally bounded complex objects adrift in simpsonian skies. So, at least walking to work is pleasant.
I'm gaining weight--probably related to how cortisol (stress hormone) alters my metabolism, as I've not changed my eating habits at all.
My stock portfolio is now officially down more than 50%. Yay capitalism!
The Korean won is now down 50% relative to where it was when I came here. Yay capitalism!