I have the flu. Bad. Fever and cough, yesterday. Argh.
On a news website, an ad for Bloomberg caught my attention. It's a riff on the commonplace that things get lost in translation (a la the children's game "telephone"). Still, the specific example was clever (if accurate, and... who knows?). I will reproduce it, thus giving them some free advertising. But, whatever.
[Start] English: Get your facts right at the source
[ --> ] Italian: Ricava le tue informazioni vere direttamente dalla fonte
[ --> ] Chinese: ... .. ..
[ --> ] English: Make up a story and run to the motherland
I didn't really make much effort to copy the Chinese. I had a hard time copying this. I don't know Chinese, but I can read fragments, because of my efforts to study Korean hanja. Notes:
故 = 고 (chinese meaning is "therefore")
故事[story? but korean is 고사 = historical folktale or tradition, fable?]
"Talent is not the same as intelligence." - Me (and probably someone else, too).
"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim." - Edsger W. Dijkstra
"Absentem qui rodit amicum, qui non defendit, alio culpante; hic niger est; hunc tu, Romane, caveto" - Horace