this blog post is directly from my cellphone. note ad£¬below. aint technology wonderful?
[below, added Monday night 2009-03-09]
I posted this as a test of the possibilities. I like that it's possible. I'm disappointed that, since the Korean character-encoding is non-Unicode, it shows up as gobbledygook - but that's my Korean cell-carrier's fault, not my bloghost's.
I wonder if posting html would work? I might experiment with that...
Other features that my bloghost could provide, in the "nice-to-have" category:
* turn the first line of the email into the title
* some indication that it was posted using SMS/email rather than from the website (e.g., that could show up instead of the uninformative "no title")
* alternately, the ability to configure the above sorts of functionalities on the preferences page