Today I went to a "corn maze" with my friend Bob and my honorary nephew, his son Henry. These are quite the midwestern phenomenon, they're pretty fun. Here's a website showing the actual maze we went into. Because Henry is only around 2 years old, we ended up converting a dead end on the star-shaped trail in the upper left quadrant of the maze shown in that picture (roughly west of the Ecuador, which makes sense if you see the maze map aerial photo) into a pull-ups changing station.
I drank some hot apple cider and Henry had more fun in the parking lot inventorying the various vehicles, including some tractors and an ambulance, than he did in the maze.
At the risk of seeming like an indulgent "uncle," here are some pictures of Henry. The first was a picture of him at the corn maze, looking through a cut out of a car. I did it with my cell phone because I forgot to take my camera to the corn maze.
The next pictures show him hamming around the house.
This is a picture of him this evening at a gathering at some friends of Bob and Sarah's, wearing interesting "shades." Cute kid.