Sometimes my dreams have titles. (Sometimes they have commercial breaks, too, but that's not what I'm going to discuss here. Obviously, I've watched too much television in my life.) A dream's title will come to me in the form of a voice-over, or, more rarely, an "on-screen," written title.
This morning's dream had the on-screen title of "redentus heroica." Seriously. I think it's Latin. Why Latin? Latin was the first language I studied intensively (in 9th and 10th grades -- it's a complicated story, as I didn't take Latin in high school, where it wasn't offered, but rather up the hill at Humboldt State -- hence it constituted my first college-level work).
It may not be good Latin. I tried to google it, and came up zero. But, assuming a macron on the last "a" in heroica (making it ablative case) and the ellision of a feminine noun meaning something like action or deed (which is a common syntactical phenomenon in Latin), you could get the meaning "redemption through [or by means of] a heroic deed." Which seems like the sort of thing you should say in Latin, eh?
The rest of the dream? Kind of foggy, but I was walking around Ketchikan (logical), and trying to find my car (not logical). I didn't even know which car I'd lost. It was raining (logical) and the town was crowded with Koreans (not logical). There were a lot of airplanes flying around (logical).
And I woke up -- to a lot of airplanes flying around outside my hotel. Ketchikan has a lot of airplanes and boats, which makes sense for a town unconnected to the rest of the world by any kind of highway. Here's a picture of an office where the guy who works there needs at least two parking spaces: one for the boat, and one for the airplane.