I had kitsune udon for dinner last night and it was incredibly delicious. It's a type of udon (thick wheat noodles) served with broth and fried tofu (called 油揚げ=aburaage). I think I must have had it a long time ago, but I didn't remember what it was. Now I think I will have to remember it and try making it sometime, or some creative derivative.
I keep flirting with vegetarianism, as many people know. And the last few months, especially, I've been feeling really negative about meat, except perhaps seafood. I'm not sure what's driving it. Partly, it's health - I really think eating a lot of meat must be unhealthy. The last few times I've had beef or pork, I've had an upset stomach for days afterward.
Also, there are all the articles I've read explaining that consuming meat (especially beef) has a carbon footprint as large as, if not larger than, driving cars, for example (under an average American's diet, anyway).
Finally, I just seem to find a well-cooked and balanced vegetarian meal quite delicious. So maybe it's just a matter of personal aesthetics.
I'm unlikely to take the leap to a full-blown vegetarian commitment, as it's not really my character. I almost always eat what people suggest or put in front of me when I'm dining with others, both out of cultural deference and because I like trying new things. But I will continue to explore vegetarian and vegan cuisine when given the option.
I'm with you on wanting to go vegan, but not quite having the gumption to make the leap. A stunning comparison I read a few years ago was that the "average American" would reduce their carbon footprint more by changing to a vegetarian diet than by trading their SUV in for a Prius. According to the UN, 18% of all greenhouse emissions are caused by animal agriculture. Other groups place the figure higher--as high as 50%. But even 18% is huge. Obviously, a sea change in 1st world dietary and farming habits will be a necessary part of any plan to forestall Earth turning into Venus. Are Koreans as obsessed with meat as Americans who, like my mom, who grew up in the 1950s?
Posted by: Bob | 2010.04.10 at 19:27