That sounds stupid. But drifting through some old haunts, today, I was trying to think of ways that I could try to stay more positive about my new situation. Actually, as I've said before, I'm not really that down on any aspect of it except for one: the apartment mess. But that's such a huge factor, it's influencing my mood too much. So... one thing I can do, is simply avoid my apartment as much as possible - such as taking this trip, this weekend. But that can be exhausting.
I need some "out of the house" hobbies, right? I was jogging somewhat regularly, when I was living in Ilsan last year - that needs to start, again. There're a lot of interesting places to walk around, in Hongnong - I have to get past the "after work momentum" and make more effort to hike around in the evenings.
Just some thoughts.