"I bow in repentance of all actions and words and heart that cling."
This is #37 out of a series of 108 daily Buddhist affirmations that I am attempting to translate with my hands tied behind my back (well not really that, but I'm deliberately not seeking out translations on the internet, using only dictionary and grammar).
...35. 어리석은 말로 상대방이 잘못되는 악연을 참회하며 절합니다.
"I bow in repentance of any ties to the mistakes made by others because of their foolish talk."36. 어리석은 행동으로 악연이 될 수있는 인연에게 참회하며 절합니다.
"I bow in repentance of any ties that can become an evil destiny through stupid talk."37. 집착하는 마음과 말과 행동을 참회하며 절합니다.
I would read this thirty-seventh affirmation as: "I bow in repentance of all actions and words and heart that cling."