I dreamed last night that I was starting a new job. That's really logical, given that I've traveled to Ilsan to meet with my new boss to work out some paperwork on getting my visa renewed.
But in the dream, the new job was not my "real" new job. It was something like one of my old computer-related jobs: database design, business systems analysis, web-based application support. Nevertheless, the job was in Korea. In Ilsan. My new coworkers were Koreans, and they were showing me around the building where my new job was, and we were bowing to various bigwigs, per appropriate Korean custom.
And then they insisted that I see the mall attached to the building. We were walking around an Ilsan-like mall (like the one here called Western Dom), but my dream coworkers were my new coworkers at Hongnong, Ms Lee and Mr Goh, along with other various Hongnong teachers. Despite that, we were talking about databases and annoying end-users of data-intensive websites, and making sure that code prevents SQL injection, and how to make stored procedures effecient when you couldn't know which search parameters you were going to get ahead of time. Yes, that kind of thing. Although it seemed like they were insisting I should know more about Korean history, too.
But then, in the mall, some woman came up to us and said we should take a class about the mall. "A class? About the mall?" I asked. "Yes, there is so much to learn about this mall," she insisted, excitedly. So we went to the class, where we got pitched a neverending spiel about all the different stores and restaurants to be found in the mall. This was so boring, I woke up.
What... did I fall asleep with the television on? No.
Dreams are strange, and even when they appear to be meaningless, they nevertheless reek of some obscure meaning.