"I bow in repentance with a sincere heart, taking care of all ties to past lives."
This is #44 out of a series of 108 daily Buddhist affirmations that I am attempting to translate with my hands tied behind my back (well not really that, but I'm deliberately not seeking out translations on the internet, using only dictionary and grammar).
...42. 내 몸으로받은 느낌만 옳다고 생각한 어리석음을 참회하며 절합니다.
"I bow in repentance of all the stupidity that I believe by feeling only [the sensations] of my body."43. 내 생각만 옳다는 어리석음을 참회하며 절합니다.
"I bow in repentance of all the stupidity that I believe through only my thoughts."44. 삼생의 모든 인연들을 위해 지극한 마음으로 참회하며 절합니다.
I would read this forty-fourth affirmation as: "I bow in repentance with a sincere heart, taking care of all ties to past lives."
I don't believe in past lives. Perhaps I could view this as repenting my ties to history, a la a sort of Foucauldian geneology of ideologies.