[bucheonim osin nal]: literally, "the Day the Buddha came."
So. Happy Buddha's Birthday, everyone! Or... "Vesak," as it's called in South Asia. Kind of a Buddhist Christmas, conceptually, but celebrated in a more low-key day.
It's my second holiday in less than a week (after Children's Day, last Thursday), but not terribly easy to exploit, given that I had to work on the interleavened days.
I felt useful at my new job for maybe the first time, last night - and it wasn't even for my teaching, which is still reliant on the old schedule and therefore random substitutions. I was helping with a spreadsheet. Shades of my last career.
It's pouring rain and feeling summery, here. There are pigeons battling in the puddles on the ledge outside my window - I'm not sure if it's a territorial battle or something related to pigeonish procreation. Or maybe both.