So. I've been kind of sick, lately. This low grade infection feels like it's floating around my head. Sometimes it's a sore throat, sometimes it feels more like a tooth ache, then it's an ear ache. It's like some colony of something-or-other is migrating around my head. It makes me very sensitive to spicy food when it's in its sore throat phase - like the capsaicin stings. So I made curried lentils and potatoes last night, but I went light on the red pepper flakes, and it was horribly bland. I suppose it was healthy, though.
I have a student Yun-jae who is in third grade, but she's in my most elementary, lowest-level class, which is otherwise a bunch of first grade boys. I think she resents being there, but she's actually kind of a co-teacher for me because she keeps the boys in line.
I do this thing sometimes where I tell a story, and tell them to draw a picture to accompany the story. This is fun for the lower grades and the lower ability levels. Anyway, Yun-jae is a really good artist. Here's what she drew.
Don't ask what the story was - I have no idea. Maybe you can figure it out. It's got a kind of rebus feel to it, or like a free-form manga (Asian-style comic book). I was really impressed with it - if an old guy with an art degree drew this exact picture, he could sell it at a gallery.