What I'm listening to right now.
Cake, "Motorcade of Generosity." I guess it's a little bit wild to have this song shuffle around entirely randomly on my mp3 player (from my 6000+ collection of songs that I rotate randomly on and off of the mp3 player). To have the song intoning "I bombed Korea" while walking to work in Korea. Well, you know. Weird.
It's about the Korean War, obviously. Cake is a pretty cool musical group, too.
Here are the lyrics.
I bombed Korea every night.
My engine sang into the salty sky.
I didn't know if I would live or die.
I bombed Korea every night.
I bombed Korea every night.
I bombed Korea every night.
Red flowers bursting down below us.
Those people didn't even know us.
We didn't know if we would live or die.
We didn't know if it was wrong or right.
I bombed Korea every night.
And so I sit here at this bar.
I'm not a hero.
I'm not a movie star.
I've got my beer.
I've got my stories to tell,
But they won't tell you what it's like in hell.
Red flowers bursting down below us.
Those people didn't even know us.
We didn't know if we would live or die.
We didn't know if it was wrong or right.
We didn't know if we would live or die.
I bombed Korea every night.