I don't make New Year's resolutions. Or rather, I don't share them - I'm superstitious that in sharing them, I would either jinx their eventual success or else set myself up for disappointment in the event that they don't work out.
I was listening to NPR and someone said that in Portugal they avoid this problem by making New Year's wishes instead of resolutions. Wishes are less work than resolutions, too. And that way, I can share them.
So my wishes:
- stay in Korea (i.e. Karma doesn't lay me off or go out of business, etc.)
- continue to improve my Korean (my dream is to reach a level where I can take the TOPIK - it's been a "New Year's wish" 4 years in a row now)
- lose at least 5 kilos (the "Yeonggwang 5" - ancilliary to: exercise more, eat less)
- make at least one breakthrough in teaching style or method
- restart at least one abandoned novel (i.e. of ones I'm supposedly writing)
- recover my lapsed zen(-ish) practice
- more actively pursue my sketching and drawing (I've done some of this recently)
- post to my blog twice a day (I've been getting better at this)
- practice my mandolin (hahahaha this is the least likely - I practiced exactly 3 times last year)
To all my friends who put up with my periodic anti-socialism (and abstract socialisms, for that matter), who reach out to me to say hi and see what I'm doing beyond the slightly directionless blog, THANKS. Love.