Koreans (like most Asians) often wear T-shirts with incomprehensible English on them. It's like the clothing companies have hired unemployed Nigerian spamists to write their T-shirt slogans. I wish I took a picture of the phrase I saw today. I was walking to work earlier and saw one of those modern Korean dads - pushing the baby stroller, talking on his cell phone, dressed super-casually in jeans and T-shirt.
But then, in large maroon letters on the back of his shirt, it said, "Free-Will Inspection." I didn't get to see the front.
But I wonder what "Free-Will Inspection" is supposed to be. How does it work? If I decided to undergo Free-Will Inspection, would I get a positive result? If I flunk my Free-Will Inspection, does that mean I have a free will or don't have a free will? Which is the preferable outcome?
The Simpsons' "Independent Thought Alarm"
....Something that is less humorous in East-Asia, because it is a great deal less absurd.
Posted by: Peter J. | 2012.04.10 at 07:02