I had some students in my E1 cohort design their own museums today. It went really interestingly.
One girl designed a pizza museum (right). It had a giant pizza, a meat section, and a vegetables section. And there was the bungee jump - it wasn't clear how this related to the pizza.
Another girl designed a monkey museum (left). There was a shy monkey, a happy monkey, a crazy monkey.
A serious boy designed a rather eleborate Goguryeo museum (which he seemed to spell Khoygureo - Goguryeo is the ancient Korean kingdom from before 500 AD). I thought his drawing was the best (right)
But the most entertaining museum was the Karma museum. The picture wasn't very good (below). But the girl didn't say it was a Karma museum. She just set out to describe it, and over time, one realized that the museum was an exact simulacra of our Karma language school - there was a classroom where you could go and watch the E1 kids studying English, for example. I thought it was a little bit like a Borges story - the idea of a map exactly the size of the thing mapped.