I was huge fan of David Bowie when I was in college, oh so many years ago.
I remained a fan, if not a super enthusiastic one. Once I saw him in concert, while I was in graduate school and Michelle and I were living in Philadelphia. I think it was one of the few concerts I went to during that epoch, in the mid-1990's.
Sometimes I can go for a long stretch without listening to anything by him, but recently I had a chance to hear one of the songs from his new album, which has gotten a lot of rave reviews. I'm inclined to agree - he's aged really well.
What I'm listening to right now.
David Bowie, "Where Are We Now?" That's his new one.
Here's an old one, that I used to listen to almost every day for a few years in the late 1980's.
David Bowie, "Life On Mars?"