I want to prevent my brother from growing too bored while he visits. Plus, I have been craving Russian food from my favorite Russian-food restaurant for a long time - well before the diagnosis.
So we took the subway into Seoul and walked to the neighborhood I call Russiatown, near Dongdaemun. Andrew is even more of a Russophile than I am, so I thought he would enjoy this.
This is the restaurant.
It's changed names several times over the years, but they always have the same borshcht recipe, which is delicious.
I also ordered a fried liver stroganoff that was quite good - I can't believe that I, the incipient vegetarian, was craving liver, but I was. And so I ate it. The other purple stuff is svekolny - a beet and garlic slaw.
I got extra sour cream on the side. Sour cream is hard to find in Korea. I really enjoyed that food.
Afterward, we walked up to the 청계천 [cheong-gye-cheon]. Andrew wanted a "proof of tourism" picture.
Then we came home and relaxed. Currently he's off riding his bike somewhere - did I mention he bought a bike? I didn't see this as a bad idea - when he goes back to the States, I will inherit the bike - perhaps I will even ride it.