I was craving salad.
I was craving the making of things.
I was trying to get back on my regular schedule, with the "dinner" meal at around 11 pm, because that's when I get off work, normally.
So after a 4 km walk with Andrew in the misty, humid hot darkness around part of the lake at Lake Park, we came back, took the stairs to my home on the 7th floor, and suddenly, I was in my kitchen making salad. Ah the joys of normalcy.
We have a lot of leftover fruit from the hospital. I decided to start with a chutney instead of making a dressing. I chopped some apple, carrot and nectarine into a squirt of Korean blackberry vinegar and a few tablespoons of grapefruit juice from a small juice bottle I'd bought earlier. I added some powdered ginger, some dried mint leaf, and a dash of clove. stirred together, it makes a simple chutney.
I washed off fresh spinach and added a few teaspoons of sesame oil, sliced in some cherry tomatoes and then ussd a few spoonfuls of this chutney to make for a perfect salad.
The stems proved challenging to my chewing mechanism - the eating was, like many eatings, a slow slog. But it was a damn good fresh spinach salad, and the making of it was even more satisfying, still.