I took a walk and stopped by work - truly only stopped by, I didn't do anything there except talk to Curt for about 10 minutes, and not about work stuff. I received my Chuseok gift set: ham!
Korean workplaces have a custom of giving some type of gift to each employee as part of the Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) season, and last year and this year KarmaPlus is giving ham gift sets. Not spam, but the classier ham.
It looks like this - a box with "hand made" hams and some condiments, in a little carrying case. Koreans love packaging.
There is a little note with a poem attached.
I can't eat ham - not right now, anyway. I took a picture of my breakfast earlier this morning.
Mmm.What I'm listening to right now.
Ingrid Michaelson, "Blood Brothers." The video is pretty interesting, too.
[daily log: walking, 6.5 km]
I just spent the afternoon at the Museum with a 7 and 9 year old who are now running around screaming. Can't wait to get on the plane to Korea, quiet...sweet quiet!
Posted by: Wendy Miller | 2013.09.16 at 15:53