Yesterday I worked almost 12 hours. Although Tuesday is my lightest teaching load, we had 설명회 [seolmyeonghoe] for parents in the morning. The term literally means "explanatory meeting" but it's what would probably be called an "open house" in a similarly styled business in the US - it's a situation where potential customers (parents) come to see information and presentations about what our programs and curricula are like.
After that was over, we had lunch together. I felt uncomfortable because I couldn't eat the mega-spicy shabushabu that had been selected, and there was a fuss over getting me a special order - these things are quite awkward for me, socially. And unlike teaching class, I find meetings with coworkers much more exhausting, even just sitting for lunch or dinner - nothing is harder than sitting and trying to make sense of long, drawn-out, involved conversations being held in Korean about topics I'm deeply interested in - i.e. my students and our curriculum.
Today, on the other hand, I have a full teaching load ahead.
I have been sleeping so restlessly. It's not that I'm not getting enough sleep - I take the time to make sure I do - but it's never "all the way through" but always broken into about two hour fragments. I have to wake up, drink water (because my mouth dries out so much), use the bathroom (because of drinking water, right), pace around my apartment. I'm not sure what the solution to this is.
[daily log (1130 pm): walking, 5 km]