I have posted a minimum of twice-a-day to my blog for almost 2 years now, and I'm going on 4 years with a guaranteed once-a-day blog post. But as I've been predicting, I've been plunging more and more into work, and I just confirmed a new, post-내신 [naesin = middle-school exam time] work schedule that has 30 teaching hours per week on it. This will be the new normal, I suspect. Consider that anything over 22 hours is considered full time, and the only time in the past when I had 30 hours was a) when I almost quit my job at LBridge in Fall, 2008, and b) when I filled in for Grace when she went on a trip for a month in Summer, 2011.
Anyway, given that, I'm going to scale back my official "twice-a-day rule" with respect to this blog. I'll still try, and will still keep a once-a-day guarantee. A lot of what I end up posting here is pretty trivial or "light" or non-personal in any event, and there are plenty of other blogs doing that.
What I'm listening to right now.
Cee Lo Green, "Forget You." This is the "clean" version of the song - the version we've been using for our CC classes with the kids. The original version is "F@$% You," which is easy to imagine.
[daily log (1130 pm): walking, 5 km]