생각이란 생각하면 생각할수록 생각나는것이 생각이므로 생각하지않는 생각이 좋은 생각이라 생각한다.
I decided a while back to do a series of Korean tongue-twisters, in the same way I have been doing aphorisms and proverbs. Here is one that I have had on queue for a long time but was feeling intimidated by the grammar. I made a stab at it finally.
생각이란 생각하면
saeng·gak·i·ran saeng·gak·ha·myeon
thought-AS-FOR think-COND
As for thoughts, when [I] thought them
생각할수록 생각나는것이
saeng·gak·hal·su·rok saeng·gak·na·neun·geos·i
think-THE-MORE recall-PROB-PAST
the more I thought the more I recalled
생각이므로 생각하지않는
saeng·gak·i·meu·ro saeng·gak·ha·ji·anh·neun
thought-be-SINCE think-NEG-PRESPART
since it's thoughts, unthought
생각이 좋은 생각이라 생각한다
saeng·gak·i joh·eun saeng·gak·i·ra saeng·gak·han·da
thought-SUBJ be-good-PASTPART thought-be-PROP think
thoughts being thoughts that are good think
As for thoughts, when I think them, the more I think the more I recall, since being thoughts, I think unthought thoughts are good thoughts too.
Seems like there is a lot of thinking going on. I think.
This was really a puzzle, grammatically - it's not so much a meaningful sentence as it is a "showcase of endings" - a single word, "thought" is nounified and verbified at least 9 times in 9 different ways, that I can count. I don't have a lot of confidence on my guessed-at meaning, but, like a Dr Seuss rhyme, I'm not sure that that really matters - possibly, something equally non-sensical but more poetic or farsical could be derived for the English, that wouldn't violate the spirit of the original.
In any event, I spent about an hour puzzling through my grammar bible and even recoursing several times to Martin before settling on this interpretation.
What do you think? I really like it. 재밌당.
For the next three days, it's a giant holiday here: the lunar new year. I'm not planning on any trip or major activity, so I mostly will focus on trying to get lots of rest and improving my habits.
I'm such a homebody these days.
[daily log (1130 pm): walking, 5 km]