When I got home from work Saturday evening, I turned off my phone and collapsed. I think I must have a cold - or... enough cold-like symptoms to qualify. Yesterday, during my increasingly-customary Sunday flirtation with luddism, I napped frequently and felt feverish. It's like I know I have a day off, and so I pause to allow my body to express its underlying unhealth.
On the one hand, I hate Sunday because it has become my "day for being sick," where the feelings of illness that I have ignored and postponed all week through force of will take over. On the other hand, Sundays are therefore devoid of feelings of responsibility or guilt.
I did a lot of reading. I've been reading a collection of Korean folk tales, and continue my non-linear pursuit of Heaney's translation of Beowulf. I'm not doing any "off-line" writing, lately.
Here is a funny graph I ran across that captures quite precisely why I don't bother preparing too much for individual lesson plans.
What I'm listening to right now.
Soft Eject, "Simple Song." Soft Eject is from Georgia (as in the Transcaucasian country by the Black Sea, not the US state). I found whole albums of theirs that I like on a streaming site called soundcloud, but there aren't many youtubes of their music, and I can't figure out how to get any kind of download (be it paid-for, legal, or illegal).
[daily log (1130 pm): walking, 5 km]