... by which I mean, the end result of the interview with me last week. Below is a screen-cap of part of the interview posted on KarmaPlus's "blog" - I use quote marks because "blog" in Korean internet context isn't quite the same as "blog" in the sense that this here blog thingy is a blog thingy. It's a sort of "advertorial website" - some of the material is produced by the advertising agency that Curt hires to do publicity for our hagwon, and some of the material is things we have said. It's all mixed together. If you click the picture it will take you to KarmaPlus's website - it's all in Korean, which makes perfect sense for an English hagwon, right? Nevertheless I urge you to visit it - it will give you a very different window on my world and life and work, I think.
[daily log: walking, 5.5 km]