More hard, long days at work.
So, from my "stockpile" of entertaining student writing, I present the following.
In James Bond movies, where do Bond Villains come from? I mean, what social/cultural circumstances cause one to become a Bond Villain? I ask this, because I think my student Henry might be a future Bond Villain, with a bit of "meta" going on, too. He writes:
If I had one billion won I would buy 007 movie and sell the movie. than I
get lots of money. I buy fishing pole and I go to fishing and than I make
Aquarium. so people come Aquarium I lots of money. then I buy
boat and fishing go to the sea take a boat. then I make a very big
Aquarium. People come to the Aquarium I lots of money.
I make nuclear I nuclear boom the bank and bank is boom.
I make two nuclear I nuclear boom Earth!!
[daily log: walking, 6km]