Holly Wood (her real name, apparently), is a political and social commentarist operating in the twitteresque postblogoid realm called "medium.com". But her writing is quite astute. She leans more radical than I, but I respect radicalism, and often find it inspiring. She posted this untitled bit of poetry:
Freedom requires cultivating
the peculiar and completely irrational
faculty for projecting imagination
beyond the horizon of common sense.
We have to drive out beyond the city limits of hegemony
away from the light pollution of neoliberal ideology.
Men do not rule.
Men have never ruled.
Only legitimacy has ruled.
End man’s legitimacy and
you end the rule of man.
To end man’s legitimacy, child,
you must become exceedingly fluent
in what today is only unfathomable.
Hurry, though,
we are choking on escapable darkness.
[daily log: walking, 6.5km]
I like that!
Posted by: Wendy Miller | 2016.03.29 at 17:35