Wyrm com snican, toslat he {m}an;
ða genam Woden VIIII wuldortanas,
sloh ða þa næddran, þæt heo on VIIII tofleah.
Þær geændade æppel and attor,
þæt heo næfre ne wolde on hus bugan.
A worm came creeping, he tore a man in two
then Woden took 9 Glory-Twigs,
struck the adder then, that it flew apart into 9 (bits).
There brought about the apple and poison,
that she [the adder] would never enter a house.
- from anonymous "Nine Herbs Charm" 10th-century Anglo-Saxon manuscript Lacugna (prayers and incantations)
[daily log: walking, 8km]