There is a globe on a table in the entry area of our hagwon. It's been there (or on analogue tables in previous locations) for as long as I have worked at Karma. Sometimes I even have looked at it, and on a few notable occasions, I've borrowed it into my classroom.
I was waiting for coworkers last night, as we got ready to go to a hoesik (회식 = work meal), after work got out, and was looking at the globe. The globe is "bilingual" (Korean and English), which is sometimes intriguing. It dawned on me just what poor quality the English was. In the Western US, I discovered the "Rooky Mountains." It is easy to visualize a lot of inexperienced climbers plummeting to their deaths from these mountains' peaks and cliffs. Or perhaps in fact these are small mountains, not confident yet of their mountainhood, sticking up from domineering plains only tentatively.
[daily log: walking, 7km]
I live in the Rooky Mountains and feel like one while others, including my sister, successfully climb many 14-er's. I gasp at around 10,500.
Posted by: Elizabeth Wieland | 2017.02.23 at 19:34
Rookies do seem to have been involved, seeing how those mountains are west of Vegas.
Posted by: David | 2017.02.24 at 02:29