Yesterday after working in the morning, I took the subway into Seoul and met my friend Peter. We hung out for a few hours.
There were a lot of protests going on in downtown Seoul. Along Jong-no (the ancient, main east-west drag in downtown Seoul), we saw these protesters and a very disproportionate number of police.
I guess some are protesting about the president's impeachment. Others are protesting the endemic corruption that the president's impeachment seems to represent. There will be elections in about 6 weeks, so some people are protesting just because it seems like a good time to protest. It's part of Korean culture, to a certain extent.
The group above is "leftish" - the red banner with yellow letters, on the right, reads 노동자연대 [nodongjayeondae], which means "Workers' Solidarity."
[daily log: walking, 1km]