Apropos of nothing in particular, I'd like to make a political observation.
If considered in terms of fulfilling the implicit (as opposed to explicit) promises of his campaign, the current US president is one of the most successful in recent history.
That's because the implicit promise of the campaign, whether we want to admit it or not, was to destroy the government. Abu Ivanka was undeniably elected by a contingent of the American public who despises gubmint.
Well, the Orange-coiffed Emperor is doing just what those people most desire, in their deepest yearnings.
So who has any right to complain? If you don't like it, change the discourse. The culture itself propagates these beliefs that government is bad. Start there in finding a solution. Or, if you're happy to see the government burn, just remember - anarchy generally doesn't work out as well as the idealists imagine.
[daily log: walking, 7km]
Thank you for bringing attention to this important aspect that has been glaring at us for so many months, yet is overlooked by most.
Yet knowing how most people don't see this aspect of his doings, you might want to follow up some day with a more explanatory post.
While on the subject, I disagree with you about Stevie-B. I think he left of his own volition, confident that he can buttress / leverage the Orange Emperor and further his own cause better from his perch at WideBeard than the confines of 1600 Penn.
Posted by: David | 2017.09.25 at 01:25